martes, 30 de junio de 2015

Annexes rehabilitation are concentration camps?

rehabilitation centers for alcoholics and drug addicts are called annexes perhaps the first choice for hundreds of families unaware the disease of alcoholism and drug addiction are admitted to these sites to your family believe it is only a temporary defect and need a great lesson mistake drugs and alcohol generate profound changes in the brain which can lead addict unstoppable compulsion obsessive need specialized medical care and relevant professional treatment.
But that is in the annexes? Not just meant to help addicts, enough to make it in the annexes pjuede easily find a number of contradictions that do not allow people who are inside these places to achieve true rehabilitation.
As a first objective newcomer, occasionally is intoxicated or come against his will, he is kept in a special room with locks and bars, and if you do not have this room you will simply monitors with one of the attendees, using some home remedies or tolerating drug withdrawal. Once you notes recovered he is introduced to the internal dynamics of “discipline”, which is called by the leaders of these groups themselves as the “harshness with which should be treated addicts” it is rather authoritarianism to bend and submit. Besides much negative verbalization, which is disqualification and direct condemnation, where it is made to believe the inmate is crap, crap, is used etc. As it has inflicted much pain to his family, blame their situation and ordered thereafter presented as: “My name is X and I’m an alcoholic or drug addict” or both. In addition to the atmosphere lends itself to belittle each other and matching nicknames.
Many of these centers are overcrowded and very low level of cleanliness. Managers act as foremen, some of them even are supported to provide an image that conveys power, as the use profanity, raising his voice and even accompanied by a dog Bull Terry or Rottweiler, although not used to attack kept sitting by his side while monitoring domestic work carried out internally. In the speech given to internal convince them that the mother is to blame for his addiction and the family system supports that things stay the same, although most work relates also giving talks to the family for things to change within that system, of very little use if the inmates themselves are convinced that your family is wrong and not do it with words that shed light on the situation! Say it with phrases like this (I hope apologize for the language I’ll use below, but that’s as expressed in these centers): “That fucking old rump claiming to be your mom, instead of leaning to give more mother “and other comments like that to family. In almost all rehabilitation centers, or annexes, smoked in large numbers, in fact the cigar is seen as a treasure, everyone asks, fight for them. These places stink of burning snuff. The degree of stress and tension created by authoritarianism, submission and confinement, creates high levels of anxiety that needs to be compensated. The punishment is one of the philosophies in these places where cohersitivos methods have been described as “tamer” in which lie on a table, or locked in a room for several days, depending on the degree of the offense. The place to do squats or push-ups if the joints are distracted, they are humiliated in front of others, if someone falls or gets dirty it is punished ordained you that you should use that dirty clothes for three days.
Here the question is: Is this rehabilitation? First taught to see themselves as incurable, then subjected to authoritarianism and bad words, nicknames are made, destroy the family picture, tell them they are a mess, they are punished and humiliated, they are kept in an enclosure, overcrowded, food in some schools is very precarious, some do not even have outdoor spaces. And after all this hope that integrate healthy society! What the directors and the people responsible for these places in his favor say? Of course they all say they give courses in carpentry, welding, computer classes, primary and secondary open, make agreements with universities, institutions and companies to receive therapeutic support or job board. We also let them see the TV an hour a day where they see are soap operas to learn to victimize more, football and cartoons. But that very little good, because when conversing with some of the inmates you realize that no self-esteem necessary for security and self-confidence. All believe they have little to offer to society, what we are sure of is if they are inferior to others. Only some go forward, but it is curious that those who have a job or profession can not be separated from the group, because this environment also creates dependency thereto, and are not without the group. this without the acts that have been doing just organized crime killings in places like this because there many times as you can find hidden addicts with criminal links ……….. the problem is such that to come to have international dimensions Twelve UN entities have issued a joint statement calling for the closure of compulsory detention and rehabilitation centers for drug addicts. The existence of these centers, which have worked for the past 20 years in many countries, raises questions about human rights and a threat to the hostages, also in areas such as increased vulnerability to infection by HIV and tuberculosis (TB ). In recent years, the number of such centers and persons detained there has aumentado.
Solamente in Asia it is estimated that about 300 000 people are being held in mandatory detention and rehabilitation centers for drug addicts. People who use drugs or suspected of doing so, those involved in the sex trade and children who are victims of sexual exploitation are held without due process right to “treatment” or “rehabilitation”. Human rights experts, health professionals, civil society and UN agencies have expressed concern about these schools on the grounds that they violate a range of human rights and threatening the health of detainees . [Excerpt] view full in see in
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From He started the war against drugs in Mexico there have been at least a dozen executions in treatment centers for addicts to them, also called “riders”. There are at least 86 dead, mostly men receiving care. This is unacceptable not only because any murder is, but also because in the repetition of similar facts demonstrate inefficiency of state institutions to contain so-called “collateral damage” in the fight against crime; security institutions do not capture those responsible for the deaths or prevent executions in other centers reatment, Health and fail to consolidate a system of adequate health care for drug users nor the application of the regulatory standards in centers not official
The “riders”
centers are generally staffed by addicts “in recovery”, also called “godfathers.” – and in the absence of qualified medical personnel. And, according to testimonies collected, many physical and psychological violence used as part of treatment. Like other centers, they should be regulated by the NOM 028 for the prevention, treatment and control of addictions, as amended in 2009 release, but due to the recent approval of the Ministry of Health has just begun regulating their treatments. The lack of state control has also created the “riders” received almost anyone who requests it, without properly identified; in the case of some executions, the authorities did not know the identity or age of the corpses because “riders” often do not keep data on inmates. In addition to fostering that addicted offenders are admitted with other addicts, criminals increasingly use them to hide from the authorities after committing any crime; although, as we shall see, can be found by rival groups.
[Excerpt] …
And, if the logic behind executions “riders” were simply economic, for the traffickers would be better to just kill doctors or “godfathers”, while leaving consumers to live without treatment possibilities. Hence executions can not be considered as retaliation to care centers for alleged millions in losses, but the result of the impunity that contextualizes the struggle between criminal gangs, state weakness to provide safety and health consumers who want to quit drugs and inability to differentiate
consumers that offend those who do not. It is making clear the need of the health system to regulate the registration of patients coming to treatment; as well, in addition to applying the law, one could build a database that would make criminal records of care and patient records, so as to avoid repeat treatments in patients who have not worked and separation enables among addicts linked organized crime and the rest, reducing the possibility of innocent new “settling of scores” deaths.
Finally, it should be noted that the assumptions officially disseminated not have derivative actions to apprehend those responsible and to prevent further attacks. And, given the situation, it is necessary to establish programs to facilitate the approach to treatment of consumers who require attention because, although not the main motivation, the killings have sown fear among addicts and relatives who prefer not to go to treatment centers where the probability of dying executed is higher than that of dying sobredosis.

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